Old School Maps: decorating!

One of my design dreams is to find an amazing vintage, colorful pull down world map and hang it RIGHT above a colorful living room couch! I think the couple who created this living room (click photo to see more) nailed it!

EBay has a TON of options for sale!


Can I move in?

I don’t think there is a thing I would change about this apartment. Check out the tour on apartment therapy: amazing outdoor space with vertical succulent garden built on an upright pallet, meticulous gallery wall in the bedroom set on amazing wallpaper, fun quirky pillows, color coded book shelf, globe collection……….such a happy place

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One man's trash....

…is Sophia’s new entrance table! I got a crazy excited text tonight after my friend found this gorgeous wood end table sitting out with someone’s trash on her drive home through West Philly! You would never guess walking in the door to this gorgeous scene that the table was free!

Customized Shelving

Lacking closet space and have shelving from IKEA littering your walls? This apartment Therapy post gives you 9 ways to customize or spruce up plain jane shelving. Don’t want much work involved? Take their decorating tips of using monochromatic knick knacks on each shelf to keep it stream lined. Up for a project? Cue the leather strap detailing or ombre paint! Click the photo for more ideas

Why I want to learn upholstery

Another installment of the renovation of ‘Oh Joy’s’ new studio by Emily Henderson & Sam Gluck re-affirms that I reallyyyyy want to learn how to upholster furniture. And find a reason to search vintage stores for furniture. These chairs are amazing, but wait till you see how not-awesome they were before. Purchased for $80 each and then $80 to re-upholster. Click the link for the story.

Can I please move in?

This, my friends, is something I could move right into. Colors, patterns, design, a happy thing every place you look! Designers Emily Henderson & Samantha Gluck designed and decorated blogger/creator OhJoy’s new studio and revealed section 1 today: “The Living Room”. I tend to buy bright and colorful things, and realized from reading this post that I should therefore paint any walls where I live a neutral like gray or white because:

“if you are someone who loves color then you are going to tend to buy things that are colorful, right? So if you paint your walls a bright color and you are buying colorful furniture it can go ‘Willy Wonka’ or ‘SpongeBob’ really fast”

Duly noted!

Oh Joy Blog: http://ohjoy.blogs.com/
Samantha Gluck: http://samanthagluckinteriors.com/
Emily Henderson: Just click the link!

DIY peacock chair

I was trolling Craigslist for no good reason, seeing what interesting furniture I could find that I had recently seen in some blogs. There were a few wicker peacock chairs listed in the area, which reminded me of this awesome DIY on the blog designlovefest.com earlier this year. They used gold spray paint and yarn to give it new life. Click the link to see how they did it and what it looked like before! If you want to give it a shot- I can help you in finding one on Craigslist!

Texture + Color + Plants= Rental makeover

Rentals usually mean white walls and no painting allowed. Interior designer Emily Henderson did an amazing living room makeover, adding tons of color and style in furniture & accessories- the before and afters look like completely different homes. Color + Texture + Plants= I want to move in ! Click the link for a how-to and decorating suggestions

How to style a room with just accessories

Sometimes just organizing a room and throwing in some plants, new pillows and a few picture frames does the trick. I love Emily Henderson’s style and how she spruced up this living room- something a quick trip to target, home goods and a plant store/home depot can fix!

Chandelier love


My sister has an obsession with crystal chandeliers. I like ones that are a bit quirkier- like one I picked up in Thailand which I have still yet to officially hang  that has pom poms, mirrors, and floral embroidery- trust me its amazing. I also love chandeliers in bizarre, non-traditional spots. Like bedrooms. Check out this round up by apartment therapy- the above one is my favorite- I also love color. You can find great chandeliers at thrift stores, consignment shops, etc- they don’t have to be super $$. IKEA even has some cool ones. Go ahead- add some flair to your bedroom!



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