500 sq foot house for 4

Can you imagine living in a 500 square foot apartment…with your husband and 2 young kids? Check out the blogger ohhappyday’s rental that she renovated and lives in with her husband and sons. It seems SO MUCH LARGER in the photos! Her trick: all white walls. click the photo for the link!

Permanent Year-Round streamer Decorations

Permanent Year-Round streamer Decorations

I saw the below creation by confettisystems.com on a blog I read over a year ago, but it wasn’t until February that I attempted my own version with some crepe paper I found around the house. I originally made a strand with the reds and pinks and gold shiny streamers for valentines day, and added orange to create a year round color punch as a permanent fixture. Let me know if you want some instruction on how to create one of these!



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